A happy family enjoying a road trip in their car, smiling and wearing seat belts.

Driving Trips With Kids: Top Safety Tips for Driving with Children

Alex Foster
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Long trips with kids can be a challenge. Car journeys are notoriously under-stimulating for children, and apart from boredom and tears, you’ve got added safety concerns to factor in. What about car safety for kids?

How do you find the perfect car seat? Or enable child safety locks so you don’t wind up with an opened door on a motorway? Here’s what you need to know about driving trips with kids in tow.

Preparing for the Trip With Kids

Preparation is critical, and that’s definitely the case with kids onboard. Little things like a missed turn or getting caught in traffic can elongate your trip, placing more stress on you and the child. Nothing ever runs totally like clockwork, but with these steps, you can keep the journey as easy as possible.

  • Travel at times with low traffic, and that coincides with nap times.

  • Bring entertainment, like movies (downloaded to play without WiFi) and a soundtrack of favorite songs.

  • Have snacks around your child so you aren’t reaching back while driving.

  • Plan regular breaks where necessary.

Comfort directly correlates with child car safety, allowing you to focus on the road.

Vehicle Safety Check

Practically speaking, a vehicle safety check is another must, especially when driving with kids. The last thing you want is a lengthy breakdown. Evaluate cars specifically for transporting children – looking at aspects like seat suitability and child lock.

These are the top checks to carry out:

  • All fluid levels.

  • MOT updates and roadside assistance expiry.

  • Tire treads.

  • Child safety lock.

  • Car seat compliance.

On a side note, if you must drive with a child in the front seat, disable the airbags, as they pose a risk to adolescents and infants.

Benefits of a Well-Maintained Vehicle When Traveling With Kids

The best thing for a child on the road is an efficient, entertaining, and safe journey. With a well-maintained vehicle, children are more comfortable, and travel time is less likely to be lengthened due to a breakdown.

Similarly, parents or guardians are less stressed when driving optimally functioning cars. It’s a better environment all around for your little road-trippers.

What Is Used to Keep a Child Safe in a Car

A baby with blue eyes sitting securely in a car seat, holding a pacifier.

It’s not only parenting tips and tricks like having Bluey shows downloaded back-to-back. When traveling with children, safety in cars involves sticking to a strict list of guidelines. These rules differ per country and are enforced by law.

Choosing the Right Car Seat

Manufacturers are helpful when picking car seats. You just need to know the child’s weight and height.

Always also check government guidance when deciding between boosters and rear-facing vs. front-facing car seats. The regulations typically enforce seats based on the child's height and age.

Proper Installation of the Car Seat

Refer to the manual for seat-specific advice on installation. Typically, car seats go in the back window seats.

You might have arguments over who gets to sit in the front seat. Did you know that local law enforcement could be the decider? In the US, it’s advised for children over 13 to sit in the front, while in France, the age limit is 10 years old (excluding extenuating circumstances).

Proper Use of Seat Belts and Child Restraints

Until a child can sit safely with a seat belt, they must use a booster seat. The belt across their lap should sit on their hips and never their stomach. And the shoulder strap should cross by their shoulders.

Another form of restraint is the child safety lock, which prevents kids from opening the back doors. Check your vehicle’s manual to see how to activate it.

Keeping Kids Entertained During the Trip

A vintage-style family car ride with parents smiling and kids playing in the backseat.

The best way to keep kids entertained is to avoid having to do so — seriously. Plan to travel around nap times or in the evening so that children can simply catch up on shut-eye. You won’t have hungry complaints or reach the inevitable expiration of entertainment options.

With that said, these are a few extra handy ideas:

  • Downloaded movies.

  • Music on a pre-prepared favorite soundtrack.

  • Toys that are difficult to drop.

  • Books.

  • Food and drink that’s slow to consume.

  • Talking about the route and spotting signs along the way.

Key Safety Tips for Kids While Traveling

You already know the answers to the main questions, like “What is child safety lock in car systems?”. You understand the essentials of what is used to keep a child safe in a car, so let’s get specific about some extra safety tips. These are the tips you might not have previously considered.

  • Secure any bags

In the case of an accident (or even sudden breaking), a loose bag can be a serious concern for your child. Keep everything secure.

  • Leave extra distance

To counteract the fact you might be accidentally distracted, always leave extra distances with other vehicles. Be as present as you can while driving to uphold proper car safety for kids.

  • Be careful with food.

Never give chunky-cut food to children. Always ensure that food is suitably prepared to alleviate choking risks, and keep your child visible in your rear-view mirror for monitoring while eating.

  • Plan for entertainment

To drive safely around children, you have to be able to concentrate, so plan for entertainment ahead of time.

At Prime EVA, we know that even the most enthusiastic young passengers can have a spillage or two. It happens to us adults as well sometimes! To keep parents’ minds on the road, we’ve created high-quality car mats to protect your vehicle’s interior from accidental spills. Our custom mats are odorless and lighter than rubber — perfectly capturing any liquid until it’s practical for you to wipe it down.

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